Spiritual Journey – Day 9

S:  Acts 20:24  “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me — the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”

O:  Paul had gotten hold of God’s vision for his life, and at the same time, God’s vision had gotten hold of Paul!

He speaks of this as “finishing his course” and “the ministry which he received from the Lord.”

“To testify solemnly of the Gospel of the grace of God …”

He did this by:

  • Preaching the Kingdom of God (v. 25)
  • Not shrinking from declaring the whole purpose of God (v. 27)

A:  His vision so gripped his life (to preach the whole purposes of God) that he really didn’t care if he died, so long as he did so in the service of the King’s Commission! May it be so with me.

P:  Father, I pray that You would help me to have the same dedication and boldness as Paul. There is nowhere else I’d rather be than to be in the center of Your will!