Spiritual Journey – Day 6

S:  “When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy. They began to contradict what Paul was saying and heaped abuse on him.” (Acts 13:45)  

O: Not everyone will be glad to see many coming to Christ. I remember a pastor telling me how another minister told him that, while passing by New Hope’s Saturday night service and seeing large crowds of people, he drove down the road and cried. Why? Because he felt angry that all the people were going to New Hope instead of his church and that New Hope was draining all the surrounding churches of potential people. 

A:  I was horrified at this mutated perception. It was shocking to hear that conclusion made by another leader. 

One of the axioms I espouse is that we are at “mission critical” in the area of leadership development. There is a dire need for Kingdom-minded, fully developed leaders in the church at large. 

I also noticed that Paul did not give up … that he did not throw in the towel, even in the midst of sheer exhaustion from religious enemies.  Instead, he simply went to the Gentiles and there, he reached thousands of hungry hearts.  

I need to learn this better. Instead of getting jaded due to cynics or worn thin because of problems or grumblings, I must steel my soul and galvanize my energies toward not only finishing, but also winning the race. 

This is my run. One day, I will pass the baton and I will be done. But, until then, I will enjoy every moment and press forward to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.  I will not have another run at this life. This is my leg — this is my stretch to carry the torch! 

P:  Father, help me to realize the season I am in! This is my run and there will not be another. I must enjoy every moment, increase my potential and move the Kingdom of God forward.