Spiritual Journey – Day 12

S: Those who make them will become like them, everyone who trusts in them. O Israel, trust in the LORD; He is their help and their shield …” (Psalm 115:8-9)  

O:  You will become like that in which you trust the most. If you trust in mammon, you will become like it — buying and selling relationships. If you trust in yourself, you will become selfish, and everything you see will find yourself as the epicenter. Things “as you see them” are how they really are (for you, anyway). 

O Israel, trust in the Lord! 

A:  I must trust in the Lord — then and only then will I become like Him. But what does that mean … to trust in the Lord?

What I know in my head must be lived in my boots. But how? Trusting in Him means to discipline myself to follow His will … His good and perfect will. 

P:  Father, trusting in You is much easier said than done. But, I truly desire to become more and more like You. Teach me, O God — Your servant is listening.